Search Results
Your search for "appetizer" returned 148 results:
Sopa de Fideo Mexicana is an incredibly simple, flavorful Mexican noodle soup made with a savory tomato-based broth. It...
Fried Avocado Tacos are creamy, spicy, crunchy and downright divine. Perfectly ripe avocados are rolled in crispy panko and...
This deliciously easy Mexican Sopes recipe makes for one of our all-time favorite small plates. Corn dough is pan...
If you’re on the hunt for a delicious and stress-free appetizer, dinner, or game day spread, stop your search!...
These mushrooms are a Mexican take on the classic Italian appetizer. They are stuffed with spicy delicious Mexican chorizo,...
2020 has been a heck of a year, and while things are bound to look a little different for...
My grandma Jesusita’s salsa casera (homemade salsa) is a staple at our house. There is a 100% probability you’ll find...
This beautiful, bright sheet pan dinner showcases some of my favorite cold weather produce – sweet acorn squash, creamy...
If you’re a fan of sweet potato casserole, you’re going to love this classic Mexican dish of candied pumpkin....
Plain pumpkin seeds get a kick from chili powder, making them a delightfully crunchy and addictive appetizer for your...
This molten cheese dip is topped with a mouthwatering mixture of sautéed shiitake mushrooms and green chiles. This vegetarian...
These delicious Mexican Gorditas de Harina are pillowy soft and perfect for stuffing with your favorite fillings. If you’ve...