Today I’m so excited to share this video with you — my five tips for picky eaters.

Right from the very beginning I encourage parents to give solid foods between 4 to 6 months of age and give your child a variety of fruits and vegetables and serve a variety of foods while they are young. Know that it may take more than 10 trials of a new food before a child will acquire a taste for it. And that’s true as they get to the toddler stage and beyond. Don’t stop offering new foods.

I discourage you not to be short-order cooks where parents make one meal for themselves and another for their children, unless of course it’s very exotic, spicy, or contains food allergies.

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It all comes down to being consistent, persistent, and don’t give in.

Stay tuned for more videos in collaboration with Lawry’s. This video is also featured on The Guide. Find this video as well as flavorful recipes, tips, and tricks for the multitasking masters of the house.

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A special thanks to Lawry’s for sponsoring this blog post. Opinions are my own.