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For those of you who are family and friends or follow me on Instagram you might have heard what happened in Highlands Ranch, Colorado — the city where I live. I am still very shaken up and so sad about it all. We have very close friends who’s children go to STEM School. I honestly just can’t stop crying — this was too close to home. Thankfully, my two children, Maya and Blake, are safe, and I want to thank God for their safety. 

Please pray for God’s peace for our community, healing for our children, and for those who are hurting.

Mother’s Day is a special day for most people and for some if might be depressing, regretful, and painful. Dear God, please comfort those who are hurting because they’re motherless and comfort the mother’s who lost their children.

As we celebrate Mother’s Day, I want to do my best to celebrate with love and gratitude. I am very blessed and need to remind myself of that.

I want to wish my special mother a happy Mother’s Day! Mom, you were my very first friend and you are still by best friend. You are the the best mother a daughter could ever hope to have. All my love on Mother’s Day and always.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Photography by Cristina Navarro