Slightly spicy Mexican sausage and humble spuds transform eggs into a brunch masterpiece with my Chorizo Potato Frittata recipe....
Mexican Macaroni Salad (a.k.a. Ensalada de Coditos) is easily one of my favorite easy Mexican dishes for potlucks and...
Is there anything better than a steamy, warm-from-the-oven Peach Crisp? Methinks not. Not only is this classic dessert delicious, it’s...
Holy moly…I just realized I haven’t shared our updated cocina with y’all. Our kitchen remodel was completed mid-March. It...
Give your old college standby a serious upgrade with this recipe for Mexican Ramen with Birria. My popular recipe...
If you love grilled steak, you simply have to try my delectable recipe for Carne a la Tampiqueña. Skirt...
If you’re on the hunt for a delectable side for your next cookout, look no further than my Mom’s...
If you’ve been on the hunt for the perfect dessert for taco night, look no further than these light...
Looking for a summer cocktail that’s equal parts refreshing, boozy, daring, and unexpected? This Jalapeño Watermelon Margarita recipe is...
This weekend, treat yourself to some homemade comfort with my quick and easy Black Bean Huevos Rancheros with Chorizo!...
Whether served as a side dish or used as a topping for tacos, burritos, or other Mexican favorites, the...
These Crispy Chicken Tacos are made with homemade crunchy taco shells filled with slightly spicy Mexican shredded chicken and...