If you follow Muy Bueno Cookbook on facebook or twitter then you heard the news, but if you do not then you might not have heard. Guess what? I had an experience of a lifetime and met the First Lady earlier this month. Can you believe it? I still can’t.

It’s really true! Here is a photo of Mrs. Obama giving me a thumbs-up — I think I’ll be framing this photo.

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When I was first invited by Mamiverse to meet with Michelle Obama in a live nationwide broadcast with a handful of Latina moms, I kept asking myself, why me? There are hundreds of other Latinas who are better suited for this event. I was very excited about the opportunity but at the same time I was somewhat unsure about representing Latinas and Coloradoans.

I invite you to visit mamiverse.com to read all about our experience with Michelle Obama.

And if you haven’t seen it yet, here is the video of our roundtable discussion with Mrs. Obama discussing our lives and key issues impacting Hispanic families across our nation.

I am truly blessed and I feel so grateful to have participated in this special event. Enjoy!

Written by Yvette