Blog and Logo Redesign
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I have a spanking new logo and my blog has a new design! Since the beginning of the New Year I have been itching for a new look in my home, and on my online home (here on this blog). I am so excited how it all turned out and wanted to give you a bit of background on the inspiration.
When it came to re-designing my blog and logo I wanted something that was representative of me. You might have remembered that I traveled over the summer to Oaxaca, and one of the things I really wanted to purchase while there was a wood carved Corazón de Milagros, a sacred heart. Everywhere I turned I would see another corazón and I knew I needed one in my home and a part of my logo.
Corazón is the Spanish word for heart, and milagros is Spanish for miracles. The tiny charms on these hearts are generally used to thank or request religious help for a specific problem and these hearts are always one of a kind.
The shape of these charms symbolizes a “miracle” — for example if somebody is praying for their leg to be healed, you find a milagro that includes a charm of a leg.
Do you believe in signs? I believe there are signs everywhere. Before my trip to Oaxaca I went to my annual eye appointment and my eye doctor diagnosed me with glaucoma. Glaucoma is a condition that causes damage to your eye’s optic nerve and gets worse over time. I am not going to dwell on it, and I’m sure I will be perfectly fine, because now that I have been diagnosed I can be treated before long-term visual loss occurs.
When I saw this logo designed by Lindsay with Purr Design I knew this symbol was the perfect representation of me.
First of all, the heart is turquoise, which is my favorite color.
The vibrant colors remind me of Mexico.
The heart symbolizes the amor I have for my grandma who will always be in my heart.
The designs inside the heart remind me of a face and eyes.
And the flame above the heart is symbolic of inspiration, transformation, and passion.
Never, did I tell Lindsay about my glaucoma, but once I saw the logo she designed, I knew this logo had to be mine.
Soon after Lindsay designed the logo my family and I went to Durango, Colorado for a short family vacation. While there I found a beautiful Mexican artisan shop and I literally stopped in my tracks when I saw this corazón de milagros with a charm of eyes. It looks just like my logo! Just another sign that I was on the right path.
Now when I see this logo I am constantly reminded to pray for my sight as well as the vision I have for my path through this thing called life (ok, don’t get me started singing Prince songs.)
Lindsay did an amazing job designing my logo and blog. Thank you Lindsay!
I also want to thank Cristina from Cristina Navarro Photography. I love her ethereal photography style. Cristina and I became Facebook friends years ago and I was thrilled that she was available to take headshots of me while in my hometown of El Paso. She captured everything I love about El Paso — adobe walls, old doors, nopales, desert sunsets, and the Virgen de Guadalupe. These photos were the inspiration for the overall blog redesign.
And special thanks to Alicia from @AliciasDelicias who literally brought my logo to life with these beautiful hand painted sugar cookies.
I’d love to hear from you. Do you constantly see some a symbol giving you some type of sign?
15 Comments on “Blog and Logo Redesign”
I love the mi corazón and I would like to know where I can get one here in the U.S. I have someone very special in need of healing.
Hi Mary, so sorry for the very late reply. I found some on Ebay and have shared a thumbnail below this blog post where you can order. Best wishes.
I quickly noticed your new logo! I caught it! I love it! I wish and pray for you to heal too! I open your emails, read them, and look at your photos! Keep it coming, I just love to watch and learn! ~~~Lisa Kay from San Antonio, Texas~~~
Well your new logo is perfect! It is bright bold and pretty! Plus it has so much meaning for you and your wonderful business!
My favorite color is also turquoise. I have been wearing my Nana’s turquoise ring she gifted me with, since I was 10, which means this ring has been through so much with me! I paint as a hobby and in bold beautiful colors, I sew bold colored fun scarves, bags, and sometimes clothing! A sprinkle of turquoise is in every piece of jewelery I design, it just has to be!
Thank you for a great post, good news with the logo, and of course for your stories and recipes!
YAY turquoise gals unite! What a special ring Cindi. Love your story — thank you for sharing and thank you for the lovely compliments on my logo.
I love your logo. Glaucoma is a very serious eye condition. Please follow your opthamologist medical advice. I love your blogs and look forward to many more. God bless you.
Thank you Martha! Yes, I will be sure to keep an “eye” on it. LOL! God bless you too.
I like the new logo and design, but for me, perhaps because of my browser, many of the pictures are just blanks with a little question mark in the center. It is my browser (Safari) – I just checked your blog of Firefox, but I don’t use Firefox because I hate all the advertising. It would be nice if your blog was compatible with Safari.
Hi Susan, thank you so much for letting me know. I appreciate it! I will look into it and hopefully you will not have those issues. I have a sneaky suspicion its my website hosting company.
I love the new logo. I’m just sorry I didn’t buy a Corazon when we went to Oaxaca. They are so beautiful. We do have signs everywhere, we just have to pay attention. We race thru life without really looking at our surroundings, beautiful sunsets,sunrises, the flowers. Flowers are the ones that catch my eyes, they remind me of my Mother. She loved all of them.
Awwww yes grams did love flowers! I guess we just have to travel to Oaxaca again 🙂
Your new design is stunning and I love all the meaning that is behind it. Your site looks fantastic, so happy for you!
Thank you so much Holly. Truly appreciate it!
This is a beautiful design. I wish you healing with your glaucoma.
Thank ya doll! You enjoy that Muy Bueno cookbook and keep me posted on your cooking adventures.