Ok, I honestly do not even know where to begin. I was chosen as an influential Latina in the blogging and social media sphere and invited to go to DC to attend a special briefing at the White House. Can you believe it? I still canโ€™t!

I was truly honored to be selected to attend this event. It was quite the surreal experience and one I will never forget. The experience really opened my eyes to the power of the Latino voice. We will soon be the majority and not the minority. The White House is taking notice of our growth and our voice. Being in the White House made me realize that there are so many more things our community can accomplish as well as inspire other Latinos.

Over 75 people from across the country attended the invitation-only event at the White House to discuss a diverse range of issues important to the Latino community such as immigration policy, jobs, education, and health.

The topic that touched me most was the subject on health. It saddened me to hear that childhood obesity in the Hispanic population is growing faster than other segments of the population. Almost two in five Hispanic children between the ages of 2-19, are overweight or obese.

Our blog and cookbook is three generations of Mexican recipes and a kind of evolution of Mexican food. As the third generation I am proud to say that I make a sincere effort to create recipes with a healthy Mexican twist, which means less frying, less fat, high protein, and more fresh and seasonal fruits and vegetables. After hearing the statistics I am now very moved to find a way to get involved with children who are struggling with obesity. Whether itโ€™s a healthy cookbook for children with easy Mexican recipes, perhaps cooking or nutrition classes for children, or even creating cooking videos with my own children sharing healthy recipes. I am committed to making a difference. I have so many ideas racing through my mind and am really inspired to get involved. Iโ€™ve been a huge fan of Michelle Obamaโ€™s Letโ€™s Move campaign and am pledging to join in the effort to raise a healthier generation of children. Check out her website and join me in taking the Letโ€™s Move pledge.

Not only did I go to the White House but I also attended a blogging crash course organized by Latinos in Social Media (LATISM). We learned valuable techniques on how to improve our blog while utilizing our talents. I met quite a few inspiring and passionate Latinas that we have collaborated with online but never had the chance to meet in person. I encourage you to visit their websites and get to know this group of talented mujeres. You can find the list of all the blogueras on this press release.

For more information about the event check out some of these sites:

Written by Yvette / Photos by Yvette and ยฉLatinaBloggersConnect.com