Once upon a cold snowy Colorado morning, drinking my hot coffee and eating a bowl of avena I logged on to my computer and BAM, I started getting all of this traffic, tons of comments, and I could barely keep up because things were just coming so fast!!! Then I get an email from a lovely editor at WordPress congratulating me that our post on Jeanine’s fantastic Persimmon Mojitos for Everyone recipe was featured on Freshly Pressed!!! Ajuua!!!

For those of you who have no idea what all this means, let me tell you. Freshly Pressed is like the Oscars for WordPress bloggers. WordPress chooses 11 blogs/day from across the WordPress community (over 300,000+ blogs) chosen based on content, visuals, writing style, etc., to be featured each day. I have NO idea how they found our post, but gracias a Dios, they did.

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I'll email this recipe to you, so that you can come back to it later!

I’m so humbled and honored!! Mi casa es su casa! If you’re new, read About Us to learn more about us and why we are here writing this blog. You could easily classify this webpage as your Mexican food craving fix intertwined with stories about our culture with a dash of corniness. Please sign up for our email list to keep up-to-date on all that is Muy Bueno.

Do you have a recipe that you want to share with Muy Bueno? Become fans of our Facebook page and post a photo of your Latin inspired creation or entice us with a comment below telling us all about it. If we choose your recipe we will whip it up, take gorgeous photos of it, post it on our blog, and give you some amor! And not only that but we will send you a FREE copy of our beautiful 2011 Muy Bueno Calendar.

Thank you, dear readers, for your support and encouragement. Un abrazo enorme y muchos besos para WordPress!

Pssst…don’t forget to order the 2011 Muy Bueno Calendar here.