Bienvenidos to our NEW home. Did you notice the new domain? No more at the end of it. YAY! We finally feel like we have a professional site. Don’t get me wrong the free was awesome and worked well for 1-½ years, but because we have outgrown our li’l casa (home), it was time to move our blog to a bigger site and that’s a good thing.

With the lovely help of Purr Design they made all the magic happen using my initial design vision. Do you like our redesign? Our use of anise stars, cloves, and frijoles, are some of the smells we love while cooking in our cocina, which is why we added these to our design. A scratch and sniff button would have made it even better, but we couldn’t figure out the HTML coding for that.

We hope you like our new reorganized and redecorated home. We are very excited about the entire site, but our favorite part is the print recipe feature. You can now print our recipes with one easy click of a button. This will make our mom very happy — She has been complaining about that for a long time. LOL. We have updated a few of our recipes with this cool new feature and are in the process of updating all of our recipes. We hope to have them all completed in a month or so.

We invite you to slip into some cozy chanclas (slippers) and take a walk around. If you see something weird or any links broken, be a dear and please let us know by leaving us a comment or email us. Speaking of comments, checkout the “recent comments” and “recent posts” listed on the footer of our site, we love this new feature too. And for easy access, our most popular posts will be highlighted with photos on the right sidebar under the title “Buen Provecho”. Cool, huh?

Please be sure you bookmark our new web address and continue to follow our blog posts and announcements.

We also encourage you to re-subscribe. To re-subscribe yourself, click on the links below:

Click here to re-subscribe by email

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If for some reason you are not a subscriber (yet) but would love to be on our list, please subscribe today. It’s easy! Just type your email address in the “enter email address” box on the right and hit the go button. It’s that easy. We will not share your email address with anyone. Your email is safe with us.

We want our new home to feel cozy, be user friendly, and most importantly we want you to feel right at home with us. Nuestra casa es su casa (Our home is your home).

If you are a blogger and thinking about a redesign, we highly recommend Purr Design! They also provide branding and promotional stuff, so they are truly a one-stop shop! They didn’t pay us to say that, we just like what they’ve done on our site and we hope you do too.

Let us know what you like most about our new look, we’re all ears.

From our casita to yours besitos y un gran abrazo!

Written by Yvette